Barbara Yeakel is a Northwest Native who’s vivid Abstract Oil Paintings bring the viewer between layers of intense energy of everyday life & the spiritual energy that comes from nature. Her choice of colors are beautiful & harmonious that go well in many different settings, from the home to the office. See more of her work at www.barbyeakel.com.
Special Event!
During this art walk, we will also be offering an on-site jewelry appraisal event! Ever wonder how much that beautiful piece is worth? For this special event you can get an official appraisal for only $65.00!
So come join us to meet Barbara, enjoy the beautiful art, have your jewelry appraised, snack on yummy hors devours, get free jewelry inspection/cleaning & 10% off all retail items!
Oh, and if you want to print out a flyer of all the participating stores & artists in the area, go here.