This month we have two artists to showcase!
Lisa Lemire - Mixed media using paper, metal, glass, gemstones... it's more than an image, it mirrors moods of mystery & peace... These are larger, glass framed pieces that would command a wall all to itself. (Secret: Did you ever wonder what I did for a creative outlet before this jewelry store? This is it - well one of my outlets at least... Yep, this is my maiden/artist name!)
Laura Bowker - We're having a trunk show! Her handcrafted art glass beads that she used the Battuto technique on, a form of glass engraving... These beads are big & simply beautiful! She traveled all the way to Italy to learn this technique & she's good at it! You could wear just one of her beads on a cord & that would beautifully say it all. To see more of her work, go to www.lbglass.net.
We are going to have an awesome party! Come for wine, yummy hors d'oeuvres, beautiful jewelry & good times, Friday, December 5th from 6-9. Christmas shopping opportunity!