We're in for a real treat!
Best known for his surrealistic cityscapes and sultry portraits, Ethan Jack Harrington’s paintings provide viewers with a whimsical perspective of the constantly evolving world. As a plein-aire oil painter, the artist captures scenes in-person, in real-time; when a subject earns his attention, Harrington sets up his easel on a sidewalk, rooftop or in an alley and quickly paints the area as he sees it at that moment. Influenced and taught by his father Jack Harrington, a professional impressionistic oil painter and illustrator, Harrington has been an artist his entire life and has painted professionally for nearly 15 years. His intensely unique style and coveted skill has developed into what is now an easily recognizable trademark among collectors.
Ethan is available for private studio tours and commissions! He'll be painting out on my sidewalk during the reception. See the artist at work! Beside all that, he's a real nice guy!
To see more of his work, go to www.ejakart.com.
It'll be a warm summer evening & we'll be having an awesome party! Come meet the artist, have good wine, yummy hors d'oeuvres, 10% off all beautiful, retail jewelry & a fun time!