Friday, August 6, 2010

Cheryl Richey! Artist Reception, Friday, August 6th, 6-9PM!

Happy Summer Everyone!

The weather is perfect for a summer evening stroll during the First Friday in Fremont Art Walk!

Friday, August 6th, 6-9PM, we will be hosting a reception for an amazing artist, Cheryl Richey!

Ms. Richey’s powerful mixed-media paintings are like haiku poems - elegant visual metaphors for profound truths… Rich colors that will play upon many different styles of décor & as I look at her beautiful pieces that adorn my walls here in the store, I feel honored to have such work surround me! Come join us, meet the artist & share the experience! Food, wine, beautiful jewelry & as always, free jewelry inspections, polishing & cleaning.

To see more of her work, go to