Monday, May 30, 2011

Joanna Dur Artist Reception, Friday, June 3rd, 6-9PM!

Once again, I am so very lucky & happy to be presenting yet another wonderful artist! Joanna Dur's bold, bright & vibrant colors welcome in June, the first month of our summer season!

~ Oil on Canvas ~

Creating an illusion of structural balance, using forcefully whimsical imagery & overindulgent color palettes that celebrate the beautiful mess of the human condition...

To see more of her work, go to!

If you'd like to see more of who else is participating in the First Friday in Fremont Art Walk, go here!

ONE MORE THING!!! Blue Sky will be in front of the store handing out their FREE, YUMMY, NATURAL, drinks! Check them at on their FaceBook page here!

Also, free jewelry inspection/cleaning while you enjoy the art & refreshments! Come join us, it's always lots of fun!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lisa Strom Artist Reception, Friday, May 6th, 6-9PM!

Oh how I LOVE my artists & this month is no exception! Lisa Strom's works of art are simply BEAUTIFUL!

~ Mixed media collage & acrylic on wood ~

Ms. Strom is an Artist, Illustrator, Designer, Crafter & Daydreamer... Her work is inspired by Mexican & Asian folk art, vintage paper & fabric, nature & the art of life in general...

To see more of her work, go here...

The Art Walk in Fremont is always on the First Friday of every month. To see all the artists that are showing (make a night of it!) go to We'll have yummy appetizers, wine & a parrrrrtay! So come hang out with us, we would love to see you!