Presenting the lovely artist, Lisa Strom! Beautiful, beautiful work! I just LOVE her mixed media collage/acrylic pieces! Lisa is an artist, illustrator, designer, crafter & daydreamer... Inspired by Mexican & Asian fold art, vintage paper & fabric, nature & the art of life in general... She has shown here before & it was such a treat then. So much so, that we asked her to come back! She has several NEW pieces since her last show. To see more, go to www.lisaink.com.
And, ANOTHER JEWELRY TRUNK SHOW! Anthony Angel is gonna rock out our cases FULL of his beautiful, graceful designs with gems of exquisite colors, shapes & textures... Angel regularly has pieces here in the store, but NOW we get to show off ALL his styles! To see more, go to www.anthonyangel.com.
Make a night of it in Fremont! Have dinner at one of the many restaurants here & then join us for beautiful Art, Jewelry & snacks. Have your rings inspected, polished & cleaned while your here - FREE! To see what other venues that are participating in the art walk, go to www.fremontfirstfriday.com. We look forward to seeing you!