She's Back!!! What Great Holiday Gifts!!! Next Friday, December 1st, 6-9pm during the First Friday in Fremont Art Walk, we will be hosting an Artist Reception for Braden Duncan!
From her website www.clockworkart,com:
"Braden Duncan (a.k.a. Clockwork Art) is inspired by the intricate elegance created by the convergence of biological & mechanical elements. As our lives become increasingly mechanised & electronified, humans & animals must adapt to survive. Braden's pieces represent organic beings enhanced for their new roles in a bio-industrial world. With watercolour & oil, Steampunk & circuitry, she aims to reshape the world with the strange & the adorable.
Her current bodies of work focus on kittens, birds, bunnies & bugs
augmented with mechanical & pop culture accoutrement."
Come join us! Meet this Awesome Artist, we'll have yummy things to eat & drink AND I can inspect & clean your rings for free! To see who else is showing in the area during Art Walk, go to
Come join us! Meet this Awesome Artist, we'll have yummy things to eat & drink AND I can inspect & clean your rings for free! To see who else is showing in the area during Art Walk, go to