Bret Corrington's warm, beautiful oil paintings of texture, merging the illusion of depth withg depth itself... Bret is also a photographer (Artist Eye Portfolio Studio). I went to have pictures taken of some of my jewelry & saw a few of his paintings there. A multi-talented artist! Yay!... To see more of his work go to www.bretcorrington.com!
In case you weren't aware... The Art Walk in Fremont is always on the First Friday of every month. To see all the artists that are showing (make a night of it!) go to www.fremontfirstfriday.com. We'll have yummy appetizers, wine & a parrrrrtay! So come hange out with us, we would love to see you!
*** Also, the Blue Sky 1965 van will be parked out in front of my door giving away FREE yummy sodas! Check it out at the FB blueskyfreeseattle!
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