Saturday, November 25, 2017

Braden Duncan, Friday, December 1st, 6-9pm!

She's Back!!!  What Great Holiday Gifts!!!  Next Friday, December 1st, 6-9pm during the First Friday in Fremont Art Walk, we will be hosting an Artist Reception for Braden Duncan!

From her website www.clockworkart,com:
"Braden Duncan (a.k.a. Clockwork Art) is inspired by the intricate elegance created by the convergence of biological & mechanical elements. As our lives become increasingly mechanised & electronified, humans & animals must adapt to survive. Braden's pieces represent organic beings enhanced for their new roles in a bio-industrial world. With watercolour & oil, Steampunk & circuitry, she aims to reshape the world with the strange & the adorable.
Her current bodies of work focus on kittens, birds, bunnies & bugs augmented with mechanical & pop culture accoutrement."

Come join us! Meet this Awesome Artist, we'll have yummy things to eat & drink AND I can inspect & clean your rings for free!  To see who else is showing in the area during Art Walk, go to

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Kris Jenott, Artist Reception, 11/3/17, 6-9pm!

This Friday, during the Fremont First Friday Art Walk, November 3rd, 6-9pm we will be hosting an Artists Reception for Pacific Northwest Intuitive Artist Kris Jenott! Ms. Jenott specializes in beautiful, bright & bold landscapes & portraits. To see more of her work, go to

To see who else is showing during the art walk go to!

Come meet the artist, raise a toast to this gorgeous fall weather we're having & the upcoming holidays! We're offering wine & snacks & free jewelry inspection & cleaning! Hope you can join us!